Proof Experiences @ Money 20/20: Our Best In Show

Best Use of Technology (and bonus points for a cool rock n’ roll name)
Metallicus really sweat the details. And it showed. The booth stood out immediately with its LED wall with seating for a viewing experience and their podcast booth in the back. The podcast was live and a tower of headphones could be grabbed to listen in on the action.
Being a blockchain company, these guys really rocked out by making their entire booth an NFT. You could scan a QR code to see the NFT digital rendering of the booth and even the cold brew coffee they were giving away were NFTs. Necessary? Of course not, but it reinforced their brand and created some great storytelling for their team. And this company was clear in their offering and their USP. They displayed it with simple messaging right at the front of their booth. “We are building the world’s most customer-centric digital asset banking network using blockchain technology”. Understood.

Best “Stop and Look” Factor

Silk didn’t mince words on its big signage. “WE HAVE FREEDOM AND COOKIES!” was prominently displayed on a 10ft high sign – we made a beeline! The cheeky tone and offerings were a clever nod to their “unbanking” brand. They leaned into the “unbanking” feel with a great looking booth that would have fit seamlessly into SOHO, casually laid back vibes and some next-level designer swag.
Silk celebrated its launch a few weeks ago and its number one priority at the show was lead generation. They created custom swag that had all three of us from Proof Experiences standing in line, downloading the app and handing over our emails on the spot!
Best Use of Space
Decked out in the season’s hottest Barbie-pink colour and two-stories to their booth, it was hard not to take notice of Quantum Metric – a digital analytics company. We stopped immediately and had to peek inside. What it led to was a really fun, relevant and engaging experience. Their team had great energy and they leaned into the Vegas vibes. A well-displayed prize wall was the backdrop to a bar where you faced the dealer in “High Low” cards. The higher value prizes on the top shelf were part of a contest that you were automatically entered into if you let them scan your badge.
The second story was a lounge area complete with seating, drinks and snacks where they could host potential clients and provide a great, unobstructed view of the main stage.
Being only 6 days out from attending the conference Quantum Metric has been prompt in following up with us as a lead. Extra points for quick recall!

The common theme for all these booths were that they were immersive; you could physically enter their space; they were fun and engaging. They took the time to think about the experience and executed the details really well.
As for the rest of the Vegas experiences, give us a call. Those aren’t being written down.

Senior Vice President, Growth & Innovation
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